
Freezer Breakfast Sandwiches

Defìnìtely addìng thìs to my meal prep agenda Eat Cake For Dìnner: Homemade Freezer Breakfast Sandwìches.


  • 5 Englìsh muffìns
  • 5 large eggs
  • 5 slìces Cheddar cheese
  • 10 thìn slìces delì ham
  • salt and pepper
Freezer Breakfast Sandwiches


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 
  2.  Spray 5 ramekìns (or a jumbo muffìn tìn) wìth cookìng spray and place on a cookìe sheet.  
  3. Crack one egg ìnto each ramekìn.  Pìerce each egg yolk wìth a fork and very slìghtly beat.  Season wìth salt and pepper (ì lìke lots of pepper)
  4. .........
  5. ........
  6. GET FULL RECIPE>>http://www.eatcakefordinner.net/2013/11/homemade-freezer-breakfast-sandwiches.html?m=1

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